
Rafa rafaor at
Sat Feb 19 14:44:12 UTC 2005

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 18:11:49 +0530, G Rajesh <grajeshiyer at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to install shorewall and tested guarddog too - even firestarter.
> Just I want to learn how they work and test the security provided by them
> through After uninstalling them, I find our ubuntu could not
> be restored to it original settings.
> Originally, when I tested, I was shown perfect stealth, I all ports are
> shown closed. In fedora, I used to tweak
> '/etc/sysconfig/network/iptables', I am new to debian/ubuntu, can you
> please help me out? I tried even 'dpkg-reconfigure iptables' but no avail.
> Wooh, what a (mis)venture!!
> Thanks in advance.

I know this doesn't answer your question but when I was in the same
situation as you (two or three days ago) I simply installed "firehol"
and used that to config my fw settings.

As far as I know, Ubuntu doesn't set up iptables by default (I could
be wrong) but it doesn't have any open ports either.

Maybe you just need to "flush" the iptables table (iptables -F) or
reboot should do it.

iptables is somewhat cryptic to those who are not used to it.  I'm
more used to dealing with the simpler ipfilter rules.  That's why I
chose firehol.


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