Segmentation fault happening for anything that needs graphics?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sat Feb 19 12:53:47 UTC 2005

> On my warty box I'm getting Segmentation fault for anything that needs
> decent graphic drivers.. like games or even mplayer..
> It is loading the nvidia driver properly because I get the splash
> screen when X starts..
> any idea what it might be?

I had the same problem.

I rearranged my memory modules on the motherboard, and it cured 99.5% of
the problems.

I was also running "athcool" (if you have an AMD CPU), to make the CPU
run much cooler. This can cause instability. I disabled it at the same
time I shuffled the memory modules, and haven't turned it back on yet,
so don't know if it was at fault or not.

As someone recently pointed out, it could also be a faulty hard drive
(sending corrupted data/instructions, causing weird and random crashes)



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