desktop SVG graphics having transparency issues

volvoguy volvoguy at
Sat Feb 19 09:32:39 UTC 2005

Hi everybody!

I was working on some new SVG backgrounds today in my relatively fresh
install of Hoary Array 4. Some of the graphics had semi-transparent
elements, but when used as a Gnome background graphic, those parts
turned 100% opaque. The background, which was 100% transparent, stayed
transparent. Anybody have any clue as to whether this is a Gnome or an
Inkscape issue?

For those interested, I've been experiencing the joys of
doctor-patient-insurance relationships. My major spinal fusion surgery
was cancelled because the insurance comapny "forgot" to authorize it,
then the doc got pissed at me assuming I cancelled it and cut off my
pain meds and then *quit* when I called him about it. Talk about
feeling like you're in the Twilight Zone! My family doctor restored my
tolerable pain level and referred me to more specialists - should take
about 2 months to get in to see one. As a result you'll probably be
getting more SVG graphics - whether you like it or not! :-)

Thanks to everyone that wished me luck before the first scheduled surgery! 


Ubuntu SVG Artwork -
Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton

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