upgrading ububtu

Sami Haahtinen ressu at ressukka.net
Sat Feb 19 08:40:20 UTC 2005

paul cooke wrote:
> not quite THAT simple... you've got to point your repositories at the
> new locations first and then make sure you've turned off any other
> repositories you may be using for extras and addons, say from Debian
> Sarge or backports. You may even have to un install stuff that you've
> installed from those third party locations...

I've actually been thinking about this. It might be a good idea to 
release a upgade-to-hoary package in warty after hoary is out. That 
package would upgrade the sources.list and tell you what you need to do 

This would eliminate the need for manual editing of the sources.list and 
would be relatively easy to create. Not to mention help a lot of people 
to upgrade.

- S

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