Upgraded Array 4 vs. Fresh Array 5

Russell Cook ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au
Sat Feb 19 02:01:48 UTC 2005

I' be careful, unfortunately Array 5 didn't seem as good as 4 in 
detecting the wireless card in Dad's PC. The live version did, but only 
when I did a "live-expert" install. The normal array 5 install, i.e. no 
expert,  didnt' detect the wireless card at all.

I also have a problem in his video card flickers severely everytime 
something is drawn on the screen and/or the mouse is moved. This doesn't 
happen in windows. At the moment this means Ubuntu is unusable on his 
machine.  A pity, as it works great on the 3 machines and on VMWare on 
my laptop!

Kind Regards Russ

Brian Pack wrote:

>After running and regularly dist-upgrade-ing an Array 4 install, I was 
>wondering if there was anything to gain from a fresh install of Array 5. 
>Assuming that as many packages as possible from  the former would also be 
>installed on the latter.
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