Ubuntu's performance : how to speed up ?

Bill Stoye skiffworks at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 18 14:02:08 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 15:24 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> > Well the hard drive in my laptop died yesterday, 
> You make it sound trivial, that's a disaster !!! :-0   :-/  :o( 
> I have never had a drive die, what happened to yours exactly ?
> I ma worried, 10/15 years ago I would hear frequently of faulty drives,
> but I got the feeling in the recent years that the quality/reliability
> had increased a lot. I am wrong? you all have me worried now. :-/
> Or is it just because you use a laptop so drive is much mor stressed
> than a desktop drive ? I hope so :o(

I had a IBM hard drive(13GB) in a Dell desktop give me random
segmentation faults that I couldn't reproduce, no matter how many
different Linux distro's I tried to install as an inexperienced user, I
got them, didn't get them with 'MS Windows'. At the suggestion of a
friend, replaced the drive and wall-lah(!), haven't had one fault
since(two years).

I'm now using a USB hard drive to back up my stuff/junk... it's cool! 


> > and I've replaced it with a slightly faster drive (old one was 4200 rpm new one is 5400
> > rpm), 
> I just read on Seagates site last night, that the 5,400rpm drives are
> much faster than the difference in speed might suggest...
> > it's only a small change in speed but makes the "feeling" of Ubuntu a lot snappier..
> That's  marvelous news. A modern IDE drives will be a massive change in
> perf. compared to my existing drive, so I can't wait to see how that
> transforms my Warty :o)))
> Vince

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