Ejecting CD which has an open nautilus window

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at saunalahti.fi
Fri Feb 18 03:49:42 UTC 2005

On pe, 2005-02-18 at 03:55 +0100, Danilo Piazzalunga wrote:
>Christoph Georgi wrote:
>> I don't know whether that fits here, but in Warty one can not
>> unmount/eject the CD if nautilus is open (Bug?!)..
>If you are currently viewing the CD folder, then the CD is in use and the
>system won't let you unmount it. It's a feature.
>If you are not even viewing the CD in nautilus, but you have some other window
>opened (e.g. your home), then it is a bug.

I just tried this and this is how it works for me (Hoary with latest
updates): I go to Places - Computer and click on CD-ROM1. A Nautilus
window showing the content of the CD opens. I open a couple of
directories and a png-file. Then I right click on CD-ROM1 and choose
eject. All the Nautilus windows' showing the content of the CD close
themselves without a problem and the CD comes out. The PNG-file I opend
stays open. I like it this way and I hope this bug doesn't get fixed ;-)


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