Array CD 5
Vincent Trouilliez
vincent.trouilliez at
Thu Feb 17 18:49:04 UTC 2005
> Array CD 5 is ready.
Okay, just installed it and played a bit with it.
I still have the same major problems I had with Array 4 (so I won't file
new bugs) :
- During install, I selected English language, but French keyboard
layout. Once the install was finished, X was configured with english
layout not French, and so was Gnome.
Warty had the same problem.
- CRT monitor was not detected at all, leaving me with inappropriate
resolutions/refresh rates options. Had to modify the X conf file by hand
to enter the name of the monitor and proper frequency ranges.
Warty detected the monitor perfectly.... is H/W detection regressing
with Hoary ?! :-/
- Once installed, if I reboot the machine, the boot process hangs. I
have to start in recovery mode and disable the "vbesave" init script.
- When I install the Nvidia drivers using Warty's usual procedure, and
restart X, I get a black screen and it freezes.
Now for some new, and minor lmittle bugs :
- When I start say Synaptic, "gksudo" (is it ?), the little window I
have to type my password in, has no window border, looks a bit
"naked" ! ;o)
- In Evolution, when I reply to message, in the comosing window, if I
try to select some quoted text using the keyboard (SHIFT + up/down
arrows), it crashed...everytime.
- In the data/time properties dialog, if I tick the box "sync with time
server", it says that I need to install "ntp" support or something (from
memory), it starts synaptic and downloads something. But then, I can
still not click the "select time server" button to chose one. I keep
ticking the "sync with internet server" check box, It keeps installing
stuff from synaptic, but I can never select a server, button is always
Also, at boot, it sync the clock to or something, so I
tak eit that internet synching is alread installed and working, no ? So
why does the date/time dialog acts as if it were not working and not
installed ? I am lost...
- When I disable the system sounds (in Computer->Desktop Preferences->
sounds), and I reboot, the system sounds are back again :o(
That was just a super quick review :o)
Now for some points outside the scope of Ubuntu as such:
Good points:
- Evolution now appears to download my POP account messages at the speed
of light, versus speed of snail in Warty.
- Evolution again : the composing window, when I reply to a message,
seems to be ready a bit faster. Just a little bit, but I appreciate it
- Firefox now comes with a Gnome theme
- I saw "Muine" in Synaptic...
- Synaptic looks better/more user friendly when downloading and setting
up programs.
- System update manager
- Gnumeric is even faster than before.
A few minuses :
- Synpatic's new dialog for adding repositories is confusing, I just
don't know what I am doing when I use it. A little redesign of the U/I
is on order I think...
- Openoffice 2 is a real disappointement. It is just as slow to load as
OOo 1.1.x, and it eats so much RAM that i's almost useless and makes
X-Plane look like a 10KB text/curses program.... :-/
But overall it was stable, not a single serious problem, just little
bugs, nothing really serious. So with two months left to solve them
before final release, I am confident that Hoary will be super stable and
polished :o)
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