Ubuntu's performance : how to speed up ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Thu Feb 17 17:40:06 UTC 2005

> And also twice the risk, right? If one of the disks go bad in a RAID-0
> setup, you lose all the data. 

I did think of this. But to be fair, I would think it's safer ! You have
two drives to hold your data, so if one fails, you lose only half of the
data, whereas with only one disk holding the system, when it goes,
everything is lost, the system is down, and the user data are lost as
well, 100% disaster. One a big server with dozens of SCSI drives in
array 5, when a disk fails, it's not the end of the world.
But the problem is I think irrelevant. The point is, you should make
regular back-ups of your system (or /home at least !). So if the disk
"subsystem" (whatever it's constituted of) fails, you can recover the
data from the backup. Granted, having multiple disks to hold the system
is as secure (or unsecure) as relying on a single disk.

What do you think ?! :o)


> Regular backups would be a must. 

Yes, I would put two modern SATA drives for the system, and use my
current/old PATA drive to backup the RAID every night automatically.


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