Intel 536

Neil Woolford neil at
Thu Feb 17 09:58:23 UTC 2005

At 21:58 16/02/05, you wrote:

>Anyone managed to compile this driver successfully on Warty?
Thats's the 536EP I assume.  The quick answer is yes.  It was a few months 
ago, so
I can't remember the details offhand.

It is worth trying though.  If you get problems, don't hesitate to post...


PS  I'm sure I had to install the appropriate kernel headers to get it to 
compile.  There version
I used was for Redhat 9 and on;  the install script after compilation fails 
because it isn't designed
for Debian/Ubuntu, but it wasn't too much work to put the module in the 
right place manually and
arrange for it to be loaded at startup. 

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