nForce chipset drivers ? (WAS: Ubuntu's performance : how to speed up ?)

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Wed Feb 16 21:33:33 UTC 2005

> It is wierd that some people have exactly the opposite situation.  I
> find a Dell 2.4Gz Celeron running WinXP is slower to get IE up and
> running than Ubuntu starting Firefox.  It is about twice as fast than
> windows, here.

Hu ?? That is really very weird ! :o(
Does that mean that my machine is very strange ?? :-/
Or maybe it's because of my motherboard. It has the nForce (one)
chipset. It comes with Windows drivers on a CD, but under Linux I am not
sure how good the drivers are, nor where they come from. Maybe then, the
Linux drivers are not as good as the windows drivers ? I guess that it
would affect overall performance of the machine (memory, disk, and PCI
data transfers)....this would explain that....
Sounds a reasonable guess, what do you think ?

What driver does Ubuntu use for the nForce chipset ? Maybe Nvidia has a
binary driver that would work better ?

Hmmm, that sounds great then, maybe if I can find a better driver, all
of a sudden Ubuntu will execute at the speed of light like windows
does....sweet dreams... :o)


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