GUI Wireless Tools

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Wed Feb 16 20:50:17 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 10:18 +1100, David Coldrick wrote:
> That makes sense - dunno why it isn't the default. Is there a clean
> way of setting this up to happen as part of startup?

Unfortunately, no.

If you put a line like
iface wifi0 inet dhcp
in /etc/network/interfaces, the dhcp client will start in the
foreground. If you need 802.1x (xsupplicant) there is a cleaner way by
starting dhclient3 from the xsupplicant.

My wpa - 802.1x - wep - no_encryption network mess even requires more
hacking and using ugly shell scripts, so i really look forward to seeing
everything integrated.
Dennis K.
  And that's the way the cookie crumbles!

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