"Readahead" : how does it work ??

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Feb 16 17:53:25 UTC 2005

> > I hope they will work on it. If eye candy is not the priority, then at
> > least, speed should be. If get neither of these.... :-/
> at least you get correctness
> nautilus usage of fam makes unmount unusable.

Yes, trying to mount and unmount my various ZIP drives (IDE, // ) kinda
drove me nuts. If Hoary puts things straight in the removable media
dept., I will be very delighted indeed. :o)

- Having things that "just work" is definitely the top priority.
- Having a nice GUI for human beings to take advantage of these things
that just work, is the second priority.


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