Ubuntu's performance : how to speed up ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Feb 16 17:43:43 UTC 2005

> > > (good time to get a UPS while you're at it).
> > 
> > Huuuu... what is a "UPS" ?! :o)
> Uninterruptable Power Supply (a battery-operated unit which will supply
> AC power to the computer for a brief time if the power mains go down.)  
> Some of these will work with software that can gently shut down a 
> computer--that could include flushing the RAM to disk.

Ah okay, didn't know you called them UPS in english.
Yes these things are great, but so expensive. Well, they were expensive
15 years aog, haven't looked at prices these days, but batteries always
cost fortunes so I don't think they have become as chip as computers...
I guess  it all depens how big a battery you want, if it's just to let
you pwoer down the system cleanly, or keep it running until the power is
back, whic hmay take a millisecond or 6 hours....
I don't know what electricity supply is like in the US, but here, I am
more concerned about Linux crashing than about power cuts ! So if Linux
crashes, then the cached data will be lost anyway :o(

I don't doubt that Linux can be as solid as $$$ Unix systems, whe using
the command line only; but with the whome gnome Desktop and zillions of
porgrams and libraires all over the place, I guess it will be a long
time before it's rock solid... Sure, it's plenty stable enough for home
use, but I would not like my life to depend on it... I would be at the
mercy of applet crashing or a nautilus bug....scary ! ;o)


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