Ubuntu's performance : how to speed up ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Feb 16 16:36:29 UTC 2005

> Talking of reliability...
> IBM drives (now Hitachi) had a bad time with some of their 120GXP drives.
> I had two go *poof* which I was not amused about because the returns
> process causes sometimes lengthy downtime.
> I'd go with Western Digital or Seagate these days.

Wow, even with crap reliability, the chances of a given user having two
faulty discs are statistically extremely slim (I would think ?) ! They
must be really very crappy then :o(((

I will stick with Seagate then, their IDe disk look very performant,
bith transfer rate and seek time, yet very affordable, and they come
with 5 year warranty, which is about the time that elapses before I
start thinking new motherboard/disks etc. So it's perfect for me :o)

Thanks for the warning.


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