How to install RAID?

Michael Hipp Michael at
Wed Feb 16 01:24:48 UTC 2005

I read with interest this thread which says you need a custom kernel for RAID, 
blah, blah, blah:

So I filed a bug report asking for a RAID-enabled kernel, but the developer 
says that thread is hogwash and RAID is already well supported:

But the installer says bluntly "it won't boot" if you put /boot or / (root) in 
a RAID device.

So I'm trying right now to build a simple server like this:

md0: /boot
md1: /
md2: /home

But after all the base install is done, it won't install GRUB. Console Alt-F3 
shows that it's trying to install GRUB to the master boot record of MD0 which 
won't work of course. No matter how many times I tell it to use /dev/hda or 
(hd0) it still goes to MD0.

What gives? Installing RAID1 via Anaconda on RH/FC was never any challenge. 
Why does it have to be shrouded in such mystery and mythology here?

Is it possible to actually install RAID1 on Ubuntu? I know it can be set up 
after the fact on a running system but that's a lot more work.

Ok, I found this:

But that answer is completely unacceptable (i.e. having to switch to LILO, and 
it still says /boot can't be in RAID).

Could someone explain the real truth about RAID on Ubuntu.


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