linux-image won't install (again)

Michael Hipp Michael at
Wed Feb 16 00:34:57 UTC 2005

Xian wrote:
> Michael Hipp Wrote: 
>>The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>>linux-restricted-modules-2.6-386: Depends: 
>>linux-restricted-modules- but it is not installable
>>E: Broken packages[/url]
> It has to do with the kernel security upgrade that was released today.
> A required kernel modules package is not yet in the official repo but
> will be soon.
> Wait for its inclusion before trying the update again.
> Ref: 'Security Announcement'
> (
> Ref: 'Kernel Upgrade Issue'
> (

Thank you. But where did you learn that their was a "missing" package? I 
didn't see anything about it in the links above.

And why was an incomplete release made? That's worse than releasing nothing.

Will there be a new announcement when the thing is actually safe to install or 
are we just supposed to guess?


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