PayPal Account Security Measures

ubuntu_fan ulist at
Tue Feb 15 14:02:50 UTC 2005

Right, I've jsut worked out what I think is going on here.

The 'recent IDN spoof exploit' (
listed a paypal url in the example, so I'm guessnig someone has just
posted it to try some phishing...

>From the url above:

"Clicking on any of the two links in the above webpage using anything
but IE 
should result in a spoofed webpage.

The links are directed at "http://www.pа", which the
punycode handlers render as

This is one example URL - - there are now many ways to display any
domain name 
on a browser, as there are a huge number of codepages/scripts which
look very 
similar to latin charsets."



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