Ubuntu's performance : how to speed up ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Tue Feb 15 11:33:39 UTC 2005

> Hi Vincent, more RAM won't make open office load faster the first
> time :-) 
> On my AMD64 3200+ OO takes 10 secs to load the first time, and 3 the
> second.
> Firefox takes 5 to load the first time, 2-3 the second.
> Thunderbird similar to FireFox
> Gedit 5 and 3
> Root terminal 5 and 2.

:o( my machine is only half the power as yours, and I get the same
numbers ! :o((((

> I've had great performance off a 5400 RPM drive, even though I have
> other drives with 7200 RPM I noticed no difference. 

Hmm yes. I guess a slower drive gives a bit lower transfer rates, but a
slower drive probably makes it easier for the head to find a file,
meaning faster access times. In linux where you have thousands of small
files, trading some transfer speed for faster access times is probably a
good idea. ANd a slower drive generates less heat too I guess, meaning
less noise (fan's can afford to spin more slowly), which I value.
I wonder if the big brands still do 5 inch drives, I will have a look at
their sites and compare access times and transfer rates versus 3 inch

> have no trouble with mine, although I've noticed only marginal speed
> increase in AMD64 version compared to 32 bit version with K8 kernel.

?? So what's all the fuss aobut 64 bit CPU's ?? :o(((
Is it just marketing crap again ? Not worth it ?

Or is it because there is no 64 bit version of gcc yet ?

> You'll also need a FAST video card

Yes, I had planned this already, purely to get better graphics and frame
rates in X-Plane, my old on-board Geforce 2 with 32MB is not good
enough ! :o(

> as a slow card can adveresely  affect overall system performance.

That bad ?? :-/

> It's a bit like a V8 engine compared to a 4 cyclinder - heaps more raw
> power, but by the time you get it all to the  wheels on the ground
> there's not a huge amount of difference.

Yes, i america they have this big muscle car culture. Here in Europe we
have long understood the superiority of 4 pot engines and power to
weight ratio... if just because petrol is prohibitve so V8 engines are
not an option !

> (That's why I ride bikes, great power to weight ratio and more
> performance (and freedom) @ $15K than a car costing over $100K :-)

Yes, I like bikes too. But I am so scared of the inevitable accident and
severe injuries or death, that I have never got around to getting a
driving license for them :o(

> Enjoy planning your upgrade it's fun 

Hmm, yes it's fun, trying to find how to get the best performance with
the minimum money.
So far, looks like I will give up on dual CPU boards, and CPU's
altogether, and concentrate on RAM and disk subsystem.

Thanks everyone for the help...


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