Newbie - wanting to start back up proceedure.

Lindsay judenlinz at
Tue Feb 15 07:32:32 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 06:24 +0100, Philippe Landau wrote:
> >>linux stores all your personal data in /home/YoureUsernameHere
> >>so simply burning your homefolder is a good simple choice.
> >>open the cd/dvd-creator in nautilus and drag your homefolder in it.
> >>then file > burn to disc
> >>or if you only want some specific olders:
> >>open nautilus hit Ctrl+H to see the hidden folders (beginning with .)
> >>and drag the folders you want in the cd-creator-window.
>  > I am not understanding your instruction which seems so simple.
>  > I click CD Creator and as soon as I click on the folder to copy,
>  > the CD Creator disappears, so where am I going wrong.
> you can also right-click on the home folder, select "copy",
> then go to the cd window, right-click and choose "paste".
> (or you can drag stuff from the background using alt-shift-drag.)
> kind regards     philippe
Done that - good.
Now I get an error message that reads:
'error while linking'
An "Unknown error" while creating a link to "/home/myfolder"
would you like to continue?

I tried all three options but nothing further happened.
There was no CD activity at all, but there was hd1 activity for about
ten minuted before the error message appeared.

Anyone want to have a guess at this?

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