Newbie - wanting to start back up proceedure.

Lindsay judenlinz at
Tue Feb 15 05:00:17 UTC 2005

I am not understanding your instruction which seems so simple.
I click CD Creator and as soon as I click on the folder to copy, the CD
Creator disappears, so where am I going wrong.

On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 05:01 +0100, ulrich steffens wrote:
> linux stores all your personal data in /home/YoureUsernameHere
> so simply burning your homefolder is a good simple choice.
> open the cd/dvd-creator in nautilus and drag your homefolder in it.
> then file > burn to disc
> or if you only want some specific olders:
> open nautilus hit Ctrl+H to see the hidden folders (beginning with .)
> and drag the folders you want in the cd-creator-window.
> -- 
> - ulrich
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> rule 3: It is OK to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder.

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