LDAP Authentication

Ben Hodgson ubuntu-list at blahpro.com
Tue Feb 15 00:21:57 UTC 2005


I've posted a few questions on this topic over the last month or so and I've
managed to get an LDAP server up and running but I really dont get alot of
the tutorials and things around on using a LDAP directory server to
authenticate users on LAN worstations instead of using /etc/passwd. Does
anyone know of any good tutorials for complete LDAP newbies....as in,
absolute beginners; I have no knowledge of the protocol or how the system
works (well, i know that everything works on a tree-like structure but thats
about it).

While I'm here i might as well ask this too. In the section of the
slapd.conf file given below, what do I put for cn=? Does it have to be the
DNS name for the server? In that case would I only have one cn= statement,
as it is just a local hostname on a LAN (i.e. cn=hostname):

database bdb
suffix "dc=example,dc=com"
rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com"
rootpw secret
directory /usr/local/var/openldap-data


Ben Hodgson

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