Finding and copying files in Ubuntu - Newbie [Linz]

Sanjeev Das sanjeevdas at
Mon Feb 14 21:07:15 UTC 2005

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:49:19 -0500, Michael R Head wrote:

> On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 22:40 -0600, thephotoman wrote:
>> Nautilus is the program you need to do this.  To set it up so that you 
>> can do so directly, go to the computer menu, open the desktop 
>> preferences menu, then select File Management.
>> In the window it brings up, go to the second tab (Behavior) and select 
>> the checkbox next to "Always open in browser windows".  Close the window.
> Or, if you only want to do this once in a while, just right-click on the
> folder in question and select "Browse folder"

Or use Applications->System Tools->File Browser

I am using Hoary. Not sure if this is present in Warty.

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