wireless cards & Linux

rh6866 ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Feb 14 18:11:41 UTC 2005

david Wrote: 
> Greetings
> I'm working on a project to roll Linux out across the
> NGO/Charity/Voluntary sector and I have 2 offices waiting to be set up
> with wireless. They are using Mandrake 10 at the moment.
> After having gone through US Robotics cards and D-Link DWL-122 with
> absolutely NO luck at all, I'm starting to wonder...
> So,
> does anyone know if there's currently such a thing as a "works out of
> the box" wireless card (PCI or USB) for Linux? 
> This would primarily be for Mandrake boxes - however, if there's a
> better solution via Ubuntu - I'd be willing to consider it, but the
> solution must be utterly reliable and must also involve no beta OS's.
> (Mdk 10.2 Beta 2 sees and correctly identifies the d-link cards but
> doesn't seem able to use them - "no wireless extensions".)
> many thanks
> David
> -- 
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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You should check out this article posted today on newsforge.  


Hope it helps and good luck with the roll out.



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