Fusion HDTV support
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Feb 14 01:27:30 UTC 2005
James Gregory Wrote:
> It would be totally awesome if Ubuntu supported the Fusion HDTV card.
> There are drivers available for it here:
> http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~chrisp/DVICO-Linux/
Hi James,
I also have the same card and have been trying to get it working on
'KnoppMyth' (http://www.mysettopbox.tv/knoppmyth.html) (this will be a
dedicated MythTV box), But it's quite an effort... recompile this, then
recompile that.... etc. I am by no means a Linux n00b, having used
Gentoo and such on a desktop machine.
I also would love to get this working on Ubuntu, and started to
download the kernel sources and stuff last night in an attempt to get
this happening, but just noticed that Chris Pascoe has added another
update on his site yesterday telling everyone that since 2.6.10, his
drivers are included in the core kernel source! You still have to apply
a small patch to get it to compile, but this is very promising!
Can't wait 'till I get home tonight so I can try it out! :grin:
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