Finding Wine after install

Lindsay judenlinz at
Sun Feb 13 09:47:12 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 20:23 +1100, Russell Cook wrote:
> Hi Linz,
> Wine is not a whole environment, it is (in my simplistic
> understanding) a program(or suite) that provides a library of Windows
> function calls and translates them to Linux (X?) calls. As such it
> doesn't provide a full windows manager. 
> You typically run it by typing "wine program_path/name" where
> program_path/name is the program and location you wish wine to
> execute. 
> To check it is installed open a terminal window and type "which
> wine" (no quotes of course). This willshow you where wine is
> installed. To run a windows app you'll likely need to run the setup
> program for the application you wish to run. i.e. you need to install
> it with a command similar to  "wine /path_to_program/setup.exe"  
> Once installed the application will exist in your "fake" windows
> environment. For me this is  "/home/ruscook/.wine/drive_c" or
> "/home/ruscook/.wine/fake_windows"
> Kind Regards Russ
> (gedit/ubuntu/gFTP)

Thanks Russ.   Very informative.  I'll try and copy a couple of small
files over tomorrow and see what happens.
Let me see that I got this right though.  I would type
wine /home/myname/.wine/fake_windows/filename.exe

where myname and filename.exe are examples.  Case sensitivity is still
an issue I guess?

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