Winmodem deactivating

Alois helpfull at
Sun Feb 13 09:22:04 UTC 2005

yes the WInModem is built in, but I can not disable it in the BIOS.
it should be possible to deactivate it, as a device, if not in the BIOS


Am Samstag, den 12.02.2005, 09:51 -0700 schrieb Ron Bellomo:
> Alois wrote:
> > I have on a IBM ThinkPad 390E Notebook a WinModem and a Xircom Real port
> > Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56 (Xircom) runnining. I would like to deactivate
> > this WinModem, in order to run the PCMCIA Modem.
> > How do I deactivate a device under Linux.
> > 
> > thank you all,
> > Ubuntu is a real nice piece of Linux distro.
> > 
> > Alois
> > 
> > 
> If the WinModem is a built in type, integrated into the 
> motherboard,  you may be able to disable it in the computer's 
> BIOS. Then you should be able to set up your other modem without 
> running into any conflicts.

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