help with win4lin

Sean Miller sean at
Sun Feb 13 07:57:48 UTC 2005

Right, I've taken the plunge and paid for Win4Lin... only problem is 
that I can't get it to work...

It won't install because it doesn't like the Ubuntu kernel :-(

So, I've gone to and 
downloaded a 2.6 kernel rpm, but that then says that there's a failed 
dependency as follows...

root at ubuntu:/home/seanmiller/win # rpm -i Kernel*686.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
        /bin/sh   is needed by Kernel-Win4Lin3-NeTraverse1.0_2.6.8.1-03
        /bin/sh   is needed by Kernel-Win4Lin3-NeTraverse1.0_2.6.8.1-03
root at ubuntu:/home/seanmiller/win #

But /bin/sh exists... so I haven't the faintest idea what it's going on 

Anybody any ideas on how I can get this to do something? Or have I 
wasted my $35 ?


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