Installation of Hoary array 4 going wrong

Daniel Taylor ubuntu at
Sun Feb 13 01:33:35 UTC 2005

Ron Bellomo wrote:
> I ran into the same thing last night when I tried to install Hoary on 
> this laptop. Tried the installation twice with the same result.
> Finally installed Warty, and then did an apt-get dist-uprade.
> It took a while, but I finally have Hoary running on this HP Pavilion 
> ze4510 with no obvious problems.
> The only minor glitch on this machine actually is not related to the 
> Hoary upgrade. I installed Thunderbird for e-mail and I cannot get the 
> proper icon to display for it. I get an error to the fact that the icon 
> file cannot be found. I can live with this minor inconvenience.
> Ron

Yes i was trying to install it on my laptop too.

maybe 'apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop' did nothing 
and maybe it was actually just apt upgrading everything that did 
it, either way it took a long time and it did the job.

as for your icon problem i solved this by using 'locate' to find 
the pixmaps use the command 'locate thunderbird.xpm' and then 
used the 'custom icons' bit on the icons properties

on my fresh install of thunderbird i had the follow pixmaps for 


Daniel Taylor - ubuntu at

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot 
of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move"
	Douglas Adams

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