read/write to hfsplus drive?

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Sat Feb 12 13:38:00 UTC 2005

 Sat, 12 Feb 2005 08:52:56 +0100, altern <enrike at org> wrote:
> Eric Dunbar wrote:
> >>no. it mounts ok as far as i can see. I wonder if there is some option i
> >>am setting wrong or some permission stuff in the folders within the drive
> >
> >
> > Of course! If you're mounting an OS X partition, it has its own
> > permission settings which will be different from your Ubuntu ones. You
> > need to be root to write anything, or happen to have the same UID or
> no this is not the OSX partition but a data partition i have that
> contains just documents, do you think it could be a problem between the
> permissions of osx and linux?
> I tried to copy stuff into that partition with 'sudo nautilus' and i
> couldnt either, same error.
> I dont what UID or GID IIRC is, i am pretty new to unix stuff.

Same difference. Because you use OS X to write these files to disk (I
presume) they will inherit the permissions that you use!

UID = user id, GID = group ID.

The UID on Mac OS X has to = the UID in Ubuntu or else you won't be
able to read/write the files, unless additional permissions are set.

It seems to me that I cheated by doing "sudo nautilus" (or you could
do "gksudo nautilus") to give nautilus super user powers and allow me
to write and read anything on my HFS+ partition.

Good luck. If you need help beyond that, ask the list again. This is
starting to get to the edge of my ability to fix things (plus, I'm
focussed entirely on recovering my server... I did an upgrade in
place, and went through dependency hell (!@$!%# yum sucks) and am now
in the process of backing up the partitions, just in case I lose the
/home partition when I format and re-install /).


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