Nvidia 6111

champagnemojo ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Fri Feb 11 07:12:47 UTC 2005

The way I did it was to go into the 'Ubuntu archive'
(http://archive.ubuntu.com) and find the appropriate
linux-image- as well as the
linux-restricted-modules-  After you have those
installed with dpkg you can reboot under the 2.6.8 kernel and remove
the 2.6.10 kernel and restricted-modules packages.  Then make sure to
pin those two 2.6.8 packages you just installed as well as the two 6111
nvidia packages.  If you're not sure about apt pinning you can easily do
it in Synaptic (I think it calls it locking the packages or something). 
Then you should be set.

I hope I'm explaining it alright.  It's worked well for me.  I've done
many upgrades and never had any problems.


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