Screen Capture tool?

Neil Woolford neil at
Thu Feb 10 09:18:06 UTC 2005

At 00:02 10/02/05, you wrote:

>piltdown schrieb:
>>Does anyone know of a screen capture tool that can grab a section of the
>>screen after a specific delay to be pasted into a word processor for
>>tutorial creation purposes?
>probably not everything you want but:
>If you hit Alt+Print screen the Gnome Screenshot window will open with 
>screenshot of the active window. You can drag&drop this image into 
>OpenOffice (and probably anywhere else). That's pretty useful.

My mileage varied a lot here...  I assume you do mean the key marked Print 
Scrn / SysRq with just a single alt or alt gr key held.  Didn't do a thing 
for me.  Is there anything that needs to be enabled in some part of the 
Gnome configuration to make this work?  I could also do with something a 
little more configurable than the existing whole screen screenshot in Ubuntu.


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