
altern enrike at
Wed Feb 9 22:51:26 UTC 2005

ok now it works, just i dont know how to unmount it :)

Thomas Beckett wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 17:50:32 +0100, altern <enrike at> wrote:
>>I have an external USB hardrive, and i am not sure about how to mount
>>it. I have been cheching websites but i am still confused
>>Also, how do i set the CDrom and audio CD to be automounted when they
>>are inserted on the drive? Doesnt seem to work so far.
>>i am running warty
>>ubuntu-users mailing list
>>ubuntu-users at
> The best thing to do is to unplug your usb drive and plug it back in
> again. Then at a terminal run:
> dmesg | tail
> This will show you the last bits of kernel output and will hopefully
> show that a device is created on /dev/<something>
> Im not sure what the <something> will be as i don have a USB hard
> disk, I Have a flash drive and that gets created on /dev/sd1 if
> remember correctly.
> When you know where the device is created you can try mounting it manually:
> from the terminal - 
> sudo mkdir /mnt/usbDisk
> sudo mount /dev/<something> /mnt/usbDisk
> This should hopefully mount it fine. If no errors are returned it will
> be accessable under /mnt/usbDisk.
> if any problems then paste the output of dmesg | tail and also  lsusb
> and someone will be abnle to help you further.
> -Of course it could all be doen differently with usb hard disks, but
> its somewhere to try...
> Tom
> Hope this gets you closer


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