Installing applications

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at
Wed Feb 9 20:42:52 UTC 2005

They rather "customize" GNOME for the next Ubuntu release in terms of 
fixing it. The whole Linux Community (at least those using GNOME) 
benefit from the "customization".. (That's at least how I understood the 
whole concept..)


Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>Hi Vincent
>>I believe the menu system will be fixed when GNOME have finished
>>tweaking their work on the version Ubuntu Hoary will be using.
> Huuu, I am not sure I understand. You make it sound like the Gnome team
> are working with Ubuntu to give us a customzied version ? 
> Would be great, because otherwise, the menu system is unlikely to be
> fixed, as Gnome will be released in only 4 weeks so I assume they are
> past the "feature freeze" step ? Hence, too late to fix the menu
> system...  :-/
> Vince

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