printer hell

apoc ulist at
Wed Feb 9 11:20:42 UTC 2005

Neil Woolford Wrote: 
> At 21:47 15/11/04, you wrote:
> >But I also can't get my HP Desk Jet 500c to work. This is odd as it's
> >worked fine with Suse, Mandrake, Fedora.
> >
> >It's set up, but when I send a job to it, it grabs the paper from the
> >tray, but stops, pauses for ages, then prints a line of garbage every
> >minute or so.
> I've just set up an Epson CX3200 under Ubuntu.  I had a similar
> problem, 
> with the printer
> just form-feeding repeatedly and constantly rather than printing
> anything.
> The problem was down to using a generic driver rather than the exact
> one 
> for the printer.
> Ubuntu's printer setup isn't comprehensive 'out of the box'.
> I had to add the gimpprint drivers to solve the problem.  Not just the
> gimpprint stuff with the
> initial distribution, but also the cups versions -
> cupsys-drivers-gimpprint and
> cupsys-drivers-gimpprint-data.  (These are unsupported packages from
> Universe.)
> With them installed, I was able to find the driver version which makes
> the 
> printer work excellently.
> Hope this may help.
> Neil 
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Same problem, trying that now :)


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