Refresh Rate Dell Optiplex GX270

R S Gill rsgill at
Wed Feb 9 11:11:42 UTC 2005

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Already done that with exact values taken from the tech specs of
themonitor that were provided from Dell.


"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood
of tyrants and patriots." -- Thomas Jefferson

"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time
that men have died to win them" -- FDR

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
stand ready to do violence on their behalf" -- George Orwell

david wrote:
| On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 18:29 -0500, R S Gill wrote:
|>We're looking at migrating our lab to Ubuntu but the glitch detailed
below is
|>holding the migration up.
|>I installed Hoary Array 4 on a Dell Optiplex GX270 that is using the Intel
|>Extreme Graphics 2 video card. We have been running aptitude
dist-upgrade on a
|>daily basis.
|>My problem is that X only runs in 800*600 @ 53hz refresh rate and
640*480 @60hz.
|>At 800*600 the refresh rate is too low and is a strain on the eyes
after even
|>short amounts of time. At 640*480, some of the windows are too big and
cannot be
|>resized to fit on the screen because the borders are off the screen area.
|>I know that the monitor and video card are capable of higher resolutions.
|>I manually ran xorgconfig to regenerate the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
using the
|>specs for the monitor provided by Dell with no luck.
|>The links to the machine specifications and the monitor specifications
|>Any ideas would be helpful because we might have to look at another
|>if we cannot get this working within a week.
|>Wahhabism preaches an ultra-Puritanical way of life while the Saudi
elite swims
|>in whisky and dizzies itself with pornography. Wahhabism claims to be
the purest
|>form of Islam while the Saudi monarchy depends on Christian bayonets
for its
|>protection.  -- Stephen Schwartz
| Try
| dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
| Work your way through the steps, most require OK'ing only, (you'll
| probably need to know how much RAM is available to the video system in
| advance) towards the end of the process you'll get a choice of screen
| resolutions. Pick the highest one you know the screen will do.
| Hope this helps.
| David
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