new look installer... why?

Pete Goodall pete at
Wed Feb 9 04:20:43 UTC 2005

David wrote:
>>>Give Ubuntu a better-looking installer, some cool graphics, and you 
>>have the desktop market for Ubuntu. 
> I've seen this remark before, and I even recall a reviewer suggesting that 
> Ubuntu "needed" better installation graphics in order to succeed.
> I can't for the life of me see why it's even an issue for an installer. 
> Installation is basically a once only affair, and if pretty graphics are 
> going to create a good operating system, we should all stick to Windows. 
> Personally, I like the "down-to-business" look of the Ubuntu/Debian 
> installers. 
> Look-and-feel and style issues are appropriate for the desktop, but I 
> can't imagine why anyone would care at the installation stage. What I care 
> about during installation is information, speed and reliability.
> Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but it seems like a very low priority issue.

I know this has been extensively commented on, and I would think this 
topic has certainly come up before.  The first review I saw of Ubuntu 
made the comment that it's text-based installer was a trip down memory 
lane (this was not a compliment).  At the time I agreed, and thought 
that for such a great desktop it needed a graphical installer...

BUT, then I actually installed the OS, and it was simple and easy.  It 
didn't give me an abundance of choices.  If there were applications that 
didn't come with the initial install it was relatively trivial to add 
them, and I didn't have to have the root password to so...

If you polled them how many Windows users have every actually installed 
an OS.  Windows users don't install Windows.  They upgrade when they buy 
a new computer, and the OS comes pre-installed.  The IT geeks are the 
ones installing, and if they can't figure out this installer they should 
be fired.

Don't want to turn this into a diatribe, but a pretty installer should 
not suck up development resources, IMHO.  It is a nice to have, but not 
a necessity.

- Pete

Pete Goodall <pete at>

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