new look installer... why?

David david at
Tue Feb 8 23:56:40 UTC 2005

> > Give Ubuntu a better-looking installer, some cool graphics, and you 
> have the desktop market for Ubuntu. 

I've seen this remark before, and I even recall a reviewer suggesting that 
Ubuntu "needed" better installation graphics in order to succeed.

I can't for the life of me see why it's even an issue for an installer. 
Installation is basically a once only affair, and if pretty graphics are 
going to create a good operating system, we should all stick to Windows. 
Personally, I like the "down-to-business" look of the Ubuntu/Debian 

Look-and-feel and style issues are appropriate for the desktop, but I 
can't imagine why anyone would care at the installation stage. What I care 
about during installation is information, speed and reliability.

Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but it seems like a very low priority issue.

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