Why orinoco driver for pcmcia card with prism 2.5 chip?

Paul Sladen sounder at paul.sladen.org
Tue Feb 8 22:57:54 UTC 2005

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Senectus . wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 11:53:22 -0500, Ciaran m <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> wrote:
> > Good question. HAVE YOU GOT IT WORKING NOW?
> My thinkpad has the prism.25 as well and it load the orinoco/hermes
> drivers for it as well...

Same situation here.  Thinkpad R31, 802.11b/Modem Combo card.

In Debian (2.4) and early Warty (2.6):

  'orinoco_pci' survives for a very short amount of time and then crashes.
                (timeout -110 stuff)

  'hostap_pci'  drivers work great.  (2.4, didn't get them built in Warty)

In Hoary (2.6) 'orinoco_pci' doesn't work at all and 'hostap' was a PITA to
build and didn't work.

I don't think my mumblings about getting Hostap into the default kernel
haven't been loud-enough...

I'm embarassed to say I haven't had more time to track it down, but I've
basically had to restrict working in Ubuntu to when I have an ethernet cable
handy!  :-(

Is there no safe way to travel?  London, GB

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