hoary graveman

josé ángel madrid gómez joseangelmadrid at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 22:47:16 UTC 2005

I haven't been able to try the features of graveman. There's an error
that I don't know how to deal with.
 1.-When I try to copy a cd, it says:
>  No se puede crear imagen: /usr/bin/readcd: Success. read_g1: scsi
> no error
>  CDB: 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00
>  statu
{something like: Image cannot be created: /usr/bin/readcd...}

When I try to burn some data on a cd:

>  Error de comunicación con cdrecord. ¡Asegúrese que tiene acceso a
> versión 2.0!
{communication error with cdrecord. Be sure that you can access cdrecord
version 2.0}

What's going wrong?
  ~~~ · · · ~~~
I keep on learning
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