Acroread (Acrobat reader) not working

landotter ulist at
Tue Feb 8 17:50:52 UTC 2005

Kevin O'Gorman Wrote: 
> Does anybody have this beast working in Ubuntu?  If so, what's the
> magic?

Do try the installer from Adobe, it's no big deal. Personally, I have a
seperate /usr/local partition where I store such things as Acrobat,
Real, Java, etc, since they can be recycled with whichever flavour of
linux I'm using atm.

As a matter of fact--I rarely use Acrobat, preferring Xpdf--it's a lot
faster and more stable for casual pdf viewing. I've got my web browser
set to hand off .pdf's to Xpdf--as embedded Acroread just tends to be a
bad idea.


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