geting deb files to Synaptic Package Manager

Aleš Žiberna ales.ziberna at
Tue Feb 8 06:47:17 UTC 2005

Thanks to everybody for their replies!

I did already tried to use dpkg -i, however, the dependecies make this very 
problematic. I also tried to set up a local repository as is described in
however, it did not work. I have created the Packages.gz file, and added the 
    deb file:/root debs/
 in the "sources.list".

However when runing Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get, the packages from 
this repository were not available.

Thanks again for any further advice and for he ones already given!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Liz Young" <liz at>
To: <ubuntu-users at>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: geting deb files to Synaptic Package Manager

Hi Ales,

On Sat February 5 2005 01:43 am, Aleš Žiberna wrote:
> I have downloaded a number of packages - .deb files from the net
> using another computer. I can not connect to the net usnig Ubuntu
> (modem problems). Is it possible to get this packages to be
> recognised by Synaptic Package Manager, so when I try to install one
> of them, all of them will be searched for dependecies.

For a disconnected system, I use the dpkg command. It also checks for
(but will not try to download) dependencies.  For example, if you copy
the debs to the /tmp folder (or wherever), you can install them from
gnome-terminal with a command like "sudo dpkg -i *.deb".  Or, a single
package with "sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb".
If you're missing a dependency, dpkg will complain and list what is
needed.  Could be tedious if you're missing a lot of dependent

Or, create a local apt repository, and update from there.  A document
package called apt-howto is available in Universe.  Section 2.2
describes how to use apt locally.  Here is a link to the online
for other languages:


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