Mounted drives missing in 'Places'-Menu after dist-upgrade

subscript2005-ubuntu at subscript2005-ubuntu at
Mon Feb 7 23:33:55 UTC 2005

I upgraded from Warty to Hoary quite a while ago now
and dist-upgrade now on a regular basis. After the
last dist-upgrade I missed my mounted drives on the
desktop and in the Ubuntu 'Places' menu. They are
still accessible in the computer:/// view in nautilus
, but I really like them to have in 'Places' (where
they perfectly belong).
What I've found out is that this has something to do
with the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and the
dbus- daemon which seems not to be started with the
right configuration.
The funny thing is if i reinstall the hal-package my
'media' and 'store' partitions appear again in
'Places' and on the desktop, but only until I reboot.
Peeking in the install-script inside the hal-package
showed me, that the HAL is restarted by the
post-installation script, so I found that

sudo invoke-rc.d dbus-1 restart

fixes the issue after being logged in.
But I did not manage to find out how to modify the
startup scripts that this happens automatically at
startup. I looked into the conf-files in /etc/dbus and
init.d but did not get a clue out of it.
Maybe some Warty heritage is messing things up here,
anybody knows how to avoid restarting the dbus-daemon
again everytime after startup?

Help appreciated,



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