Ubuntu installer

Alf-Ivar Holm alfh at student.matnat.uio.no
Mon Feb 7 13:54:03 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr> writes:

> Wouldn't it be possible to just download a small installer, that
> would fit onto a Floppy disk, Zip disk or USB stick ? The machine
> would boot From that, the little program loads and then we point it
> to the ISO image ?

I'd go with USB stick, they (the 1 or 2 GB versions) can hold more
data than a CD - and they can be reused.  (Anyone tried to use USB for
swap, btw?  Wouldn't it be faster than disk?)

I installed Ubuntu for a server (Postfix, SpamAssassin w/Razor and
Pyzor, Apache, Java, Tomcat (from a Debian repository), jTDS, PHP,
MySQL, FreeTDS, SquirrelMail, uw-imapd, leafnode, etc.) four months
ago with a CD, but after some upgrades and extra installs (see above)
the CD hangs if I try to put anything in there and I have to boot to
get it to eject, but I don't really need the CD player¹ (and I hate to
boot servers) and I've come to the conclusion that an internal CD
player is a waste: One USB connected CD player would be sufficient
(when I really need to read a CD), as it could be moved around and
could be easily reused when upgrading the machine.  (FYI, I'm one of
those that thinks a Shuttle XPC is too big.  The new Apple thingy
looks promising.)

I guess the CD problem can be fixed, it just hasn't been high enough
on the priority list, yet.


¹) I only used the CD player to rip some of my CDs to ogg format for
playing while being at work (and my future pocket ogg player), and I
guess I can rip again now with the Hoary I've installed under Virtual
Server.  I only managed to rip three CDs though before it started to
hang when I tried Interpool - I should have guessed.

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