Warty to Hoary upgrade

Keith Powell keith at keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk
Mon Feb 7 09:36:00 UTC 2005

 >>>> SOLVED <<<<

Joao Inacio wrote:
> heh, happened to me today :/
> somehow, after repeating the 'apt-get -f instal'l & dist-upgrade, a
> few times it all seemed to work and now it's working just fine.
> Problem is... i was mostly asleep when that happened so i don't
> remember anything else ...
> On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 22:11:03 +0000, Keith Powell
> <keith at keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk> wrote:
>>I have tried upgrading from Warty to Hoary by replacing "warty" with
>>"hoary" in the apt sources list (as it says in the Unofficial Starter
>>Guide). I then did a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it downloaded and
>>installed about 500Mb. (I can't remember the exact amount).
>>It will boot into GDM normally. I enter my name and password as usual,
>>and a small box appears with a light bulb and an OK button. I select
>>the OK button and it takes me just to a terminal in the corner of the
>>screen. The rest of the screen is black. I exit the terminal and it
>>takes me straight back again to GDM! Even if I enter something like
>>startx, or gnome in the terminal, I still just go back to GDM!
>>One other thing, selecting Gnome failsafe takes me to a black screen
>>with a panel at the top, but there is nothing at all in the
>>Applications menu - it's empty!
>>Please, what is the cause of this and how on earth do I get to the Gnome
>>desktop? Warty works splendidly.
>>Many thanks to anyone who can sort this problem out. It's got me
>>completely baffled!

Thanks Joao, your suggestion has solved the problem.I only needed to do 
it once.

It has downloaded an extra 28Mb and then spent a considerable time 
installing and changing things. Much longer than it did yesterday when 
it was supposed to have downloaded and installed everything. So I can 
only assume that it didn't correctly install and upgrade things 
yesterday. But I may be wrong!

Any way, it now appears to be working correctly and I have Hoary.

Thanks for your help.


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