LCD Monitor Support in Ubuntu

David M. Carney carney1979 at
Sun Feb 6 16:55:38 UTC 2005

I'm thinking of upgrading my 17 inch CRT for a 17 inch LCD/flat panel monitor.

At the same time, I may upgrade my Nvidia card (32 meg) to one with a bit more 
memory. I intend to stay with Nvidia, so my commercial Nvidia driver will 
probably still work.

I don't know a lot about flat panel monitors, and I'm not necessarily looking 
for any certain brand over another, but I do want to be a bit smarter 

What's important, besides what actually "looks good"? Contrast? Brightness? Is 
DVI important? Is it supported in Ubuntu? I am not a "gamer" but I do use 
flight simulators (X-Plane for Linux, GL-117, Flight Gear).

I've used Linux for some years now but I've never had to reconfigure my x 
server. What would I need to do to reconfigure my Warty i386 box?

Thanks for your help!


Registered Linux User #297958

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