Warty : how many CD's did Ubuntu ship ??

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sun Feb 6 03:33:21 UTC 2005

I wondered, wouldn't it possible to have "statistics" about Ubuntu's

For example, we could have a web page that gives real time updates about
how many ISO where downloaded, and how many CD's where shipped, and sort
all the info in this way (for example):

- Warty (Live CD)      i386  : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       AMD64 : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       PPC   : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       Total : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)

- Warty (Install CD)   i386  : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       AMD64 : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       PPC   : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       Total : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)

- Hoary (Live CD)      i386  : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       AMD64 : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       PPC   : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       Total : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)

- Hoary (Install CD)   i386  : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       AMD64 : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       PPC   : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)
                       Total : xx / yy  (shipped / Downloaded)

Grand Total Warty : xxx
Grand Total Hoary : xxx

Or something like that ?! :o)


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