Missing OpenOffice package (Hoary Hedgehog Array-4)

Holger Rumland hrumland at telusplanet.net
Sun Feb 6 02:38:16 UTC 2005

Hello Everyone,

I installed the new OpenOffice packages 1.99 ... with the new array-4
version and find out that the new Database package is missing ????

I wanted also to know what other people think of adding some of these
packages and maybe have some alternatives. The attention is to a
corporate desktop:

1) A Reporting Tool a la Crystal: Agata Report (or Jasper Report).

2) More security add: grsecurity or selinux (like Fedora)integration
   and encrytion for the home directory for instance like with SuSE.

3) Account program: Grisbi.

4) The administration tools of MySQL: MySQL Administrator and MySQL
   Query Browser.

Thanks also for fixing in array-4 the wide screen issue with the
Toshiba Laptop. It is now perfectly working.

Holger Rumland

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