Corrupted Downloads

Byron Poland wpoland at
Sat Feb 5 00:10:05 UTC 2005

In my attempts to install Hoary on my new amd64 machine, I've run into
numorous problems.  Once I got around the grub issue, I though it
would be smooth sailing. But....

I seem to be getting a ton packages that bzip is not able to
decompress because of corruption.  And it seems to be random.  I'll
run apt-get update, and one or 2 of the lists will fail.  Run it
again, and they all go fine.  Run it again a few hours later, and 1 or
2 of the lists will fail decompression, and then another attempt will
fix one, but not the other.. Package downloads are the same way.  I
have no reason to believe that the problem is with the packages on the
server since I haven't seen any other references to it on the

I'm running an Abit a8v with 2 gig of Crucial Memory, and a Samsung
SATA 160 gig HD.  I've tried the on board via velocity nic, and old
pci 3-com, both get the same results.  I've reformated the drive many
times now, and the installs don't see to have problems.  I have also
tried different archive mirrors.

Anybody have any ideas?

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