Lastest Hoary Mouse Cursor

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Fri Feb 4 16:30:49 UTC 2005

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 15:53:13 +0000, Euan Bayliss <euan at> wrote:
> I noticed the cursor, but more annoyingly I've lost my 1024x768 screen
> resolution and am stuck with 640x480, appear to be unable to change it,
> and can't see anything wrong with my xorg.conf file... this is on a Mac
> Powerbook, by the way.

Which PowerBook (there are a lot of 'em, some even dating back to 1991
(yeah, right, Ubuntu on a machine that probably couldn't take more
than 8 MB of memory)... of course, I doubt that you could even get
Ubuntu working on a 5300 without being more than just a bit of a Linux
expert ;-)? I'm guessing you're a Lombard, Pismo or 12" PB G4 since
you're talking about 1024x768.

On my PB G3 Pismo I still have "normal" cursors and resolution but
have run into a quirk with Nautilus -- all my "generic" icons on the
desktop have gone 'dog eared' and the Nautilus-related icons in the
"Places" menu disappeared!

> As a result, I'm back on OS X for now, while I see if anything changes
> in the next couple of days, otherwise I might end up going back to
> Warty.
> Euan

You may not want to be on Warty if you don't like funny business like
that ;). I'm sure it'll get fixed in no time!

PS What resolution do your terminals use? 1024X768?


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